holmes 050521Nationwide and Illinois Department of Labor Event to Promote Health and Safety Programs in the Workplace

AURORA – Illinois State Senate Assistant Majority Leader Linda Holmes (D-Aurora), who chairs the Senate Labor Committee, is joining with the Illinois Department of Labor (IDOL) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), to promote health and safety programs during Safe and Sound Week, August 9-15.

The annual August event recognizes successful health and safety programs, and offers information and plans to keep workers safe on the job.

“Safety and health should be top priorities for private businesses and public agencies to have strong programs in place, and always be seeking new and better approaches to their efforts so that everyone leaves work safe and sound each day,” Holmes said. “Workers and employers need to work together to assess current practices and opportunities to better manage hazards.”

Illinois OSHA provides free and confidential on-site safety and health advice. It will identify hazards and offer recommendations to eliminate potential dangers. While not penalizing employers upon inspection, the program schedules an agreed upon correction period. Their expertise will provide businesses for making health and safety a core value, providing training and reporting systems, conducting inspections, executing hazard controls and gathering employee input before making changes.

More information can be found by calling 800-972-4216 or visiting here: https://ilsendems.co/3Cpi0v4.

Visit Illinois OSHA here: Illinois OSHA

More information about Safe and Sound week can be found here: OSHA Safe + Sound Week