SPRINGFIELD, IL – Illinois State Senator Linda Holmes (D-Aurora) held the first meeting of her newly formed Aurora Latino advisory council today.
“Our goal is for the advisory council to increase communication between leaders in the community and state legislators,” Senator Holmes said. “I’m hoping to build on existing relationships, by learning more from constituents and pursue policies that will move our community forward.”
The Latino Advisory Council will hold quarterly meetings with local Latino leaders in business, education and public service.
SPRINGFIELD, IL – The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) recently announced an extensive Transportation Reconstruction program. The program aims to update the state’s infrastructure, including roads, bridges and public transit.
Illinois State Senator Linda Holmes (D–Aurora) praised the program and highlighted the improvements at Canadian National Railroad.
“The grade separation and retaining wall at the Canadian National Railroad crossing near Rt. 34 will be a significant upgrade for commuters in Aurora,” Holmes said. “This project is sorely needed to improve the congested traffic in this area.”
SPRINGFIELD – Illinois State Senator Linda Holmes (D–Aurora) reacted to Governor Pat Quinn’s budget address.
“The budget we saw proposed today is directly linked to our pension problem. We must address this and the governor must work closely with the legislature to craft a Constitutional plan.”
“The governor’s proposed $400 million in cuts to education is troubling to me. I think we need to strengthen our educational programs. Addressing pension reform will allow us to focus on education.”
SPRINGFIELD, IL – After listening to Governor Pat Quinn’s State of the State Address, Illinois State Senator Linda Holmes (D–Aurora) echoed concerns about restoring fiscal order in the state. She emphasized the need for Illinois lawmakers to find a comprehensive solution to the pension crisis.
“It is absolutely imperative that we get our fiscal house in order,” Senator Holmes stated. “By addressing our spending and developing a consensus solution to our pension crisis, we can bring financial solvency to Illinois.”
Senator Holmes is hopeful Governor Quinn will work diligently with the General Assembly for a budget that is fiscally responsible and will improve the State’s financial stature after years of credit downgrades and increased borrowing costs.
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